I thought I would do a really fun and helpful post for all you moms of 12-18 month olds or any age in between! This is a list of all the activities we do (with pictures)! I've gotten some ideas off of other blogs and pinterest and some I came up with on my own. Also, some are just obvious, but still need to be mentioned. Enjoy!
1. Paint with water
2. Blow Bubbles (HERE are the best bubbles!)
3. Dance!
4. Play with sprinkles! (No she did not eat them, haha)
5. Play with Christmas lights
6. Color in a box with crayons
7. Play with dry rice and beans
8. Go outside
9. Pull all the DVDs out of the cabinet
10. Dye dry rice different colors with Koolaid!
(mix Koolaid with a little water and pour over rice in a zip lock bag and shake till all of the rice is colored, put on wax paper for a night to dry!)
11. Pom Pom balls through a hole in a shoe box
12. Pull all the books off the shelf and then put them back
13. Make and play with a "squishy!"
(hair gel from the Dollar Tree mixed with blue food coloring and glitter in a large freezer bag)
14. READ!
15. Play dress up
16. Do puzzles
17. Play in the sink!
18. Play with water beads!
(HERE is where to get them...)
19. Make your own play dough and play with it!
(1 cup flour, 1/4 cup salt, 2 tablespoons Cream of TarTar (found with the spices), 1 packet of Koolaid, 1 cup warm water, and 2 table spoons of vegetable oil. Cook in a small pot for 3-5 minutes on medium stirring continuously. Put on the counter to cool then play! Keep it in the frigerator to last for weeks!)
More to come! Hope these will inspire you :)
LOVE this post! We used to do the cotton ball game too! A HUGE hit for sure!