Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wash Routine

Whenever I get asked about cloth diapering, I ALWAYS get asked, "how do you get the poop off? does it just go in the washing machine too?"

I decided to do a post on my wash routine and how I "get the poop off" as they say, haha :)

I wash every 2-3 days and I wash them in Tide Original.
I have tried using All Free and Clear and to be honest, it is CRAP. It is a useless detergent in my opinion.

I store my diapers until wash day in a Planet Wise Large Wetbag, they can be ordered online and I LOVE them. I have two, since one will be in the wash I needed another while that one was washing. I also have one small one for my diaper bag, however it only holds 2 diapers and is useless if you are gone on a full day adventure, but for short outings it works great!

Alright so when Harper poops, I of course change her and then put the diaper aside until I have time to clean it properly. When Harper goes to sleep is when I normally will clean them out. I take my wetbag into the bathroom and I do the old "dunk and swish" method. I know for most this completely freaks/grosses you out, but it works for me. I then put the poop-free diaper into my wetbag with the other diapers until wash day. You can also order a diaper sprayer which attatches to the back of your toilet and it looks a lot like a kitchen sprayer and you just spray the poop off into the toilet. These cost around $30, but people swear by them!

When it is wash day, I dump all of the diapers into the washing machine and do a warm/hot rinse with a little detergent. When that is done, I put a half cup of detergent and put it on the HOT cycle and run it.

When that is done I rinse them again this time in cold water and then put the inserts into the dryer and hang everything else up to air dry.

It seems like a ton of work, but it really isn't! I hope this has helped anyone with questions about a cloth diaper wash routine! Do not be afraid to ask me more questions, I love answering them :)