Harper is now 15 1/2 months old (crazy right??) and we are still breastfeeding and BLWing :)
Harper would still rather breastfeed than anything, she still nurses around 8-10 times a day (maybe even more I do not keep count) and nurses in the middle of the night between 2-5 times a night.
Her favorite foods as of now are chicken, pretzels, carrots, yogurt, spaghetti, oatmeal, and any fruits. Of course she eats MANY other things, but these are her favorites.
As far as "meals" go, she normally has something for each meal, however she never eats much and either nurses before or after eating.
For breakfast most days she will have oatmeal or yogurt and sometimes eggs. On the weekends she might have pancakes and definitely eggs. She now uses a fork pretty well and she gets these things in her hair chair on most days to eat while I clean the kitchen or eat beside her.
For lunch we usually eat leftovers from the night before such as spaghetti, chicken, stir fry, or just whatever we had the night before. Sometimes we will have soup and sandwiches, however Harper does not like sandwiches so she will just have soup :)
Dinner is just whatever we are having and most days she doesn't eat whole lot at dinner time, then she has her bath around 7 or 7:30 and bed around 8
As far as breastfeeding goes we have no plans on stopping anytime soon as I have said before I plan to let her self wean when she is ready.
Oh and yes, she can ask to nurse on her own now (I know that freaks a lot of people out!) but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Nursing has created the greatest bond between us and I wouldn't change that for the world!
Ah and on a side note, we are paci free! Harper used to take a nap and sleep with her paci at night and as of a few weeks ago, we are officially done with the paci! Yay! :)
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