I've been doing some research lately on vaccinations. Harper is about to be a year old which means going to the doctor for a check up and the dreaded shots. I'll be honest, Harper has had all of her shots since she was born, but I saw another mother posting about her son not being vaccinated and decided to research for myself and what I found was astonishing.
Everyone seems to go with the flow when it comes to vaccinations. No one really thinks about what exactly is being shot into your child or how it was made.
I bought a book I saw on amazon that seemed like a good choice when it comes to informing yourself about vaccines. It is called The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert W. Sears. It lists all of the vaccines and tells about each one; how it is made, what's in it, the side effects, why you should get it and also why some people decide not to. It gives a clear picture of exactly what is going into your child and how it got there.
The vaccines that Harper is supposed to be getting next are the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), varicella (chicken pox), Hep A, PCV (pneumococcal), and the flu shot.
I not only read up on each of these with the book, but I also researched them online and on their manufacturers websites and I recommend all parents to do the same. It might surprise you what you will find. I'm going to post a little about one of these vaccines, MMR, from the book and see what y'all think.
MMR Vaccine:
How is the MMR vaccine made?
"The measles and mumps viruses are nourished in cultures of chicken embryo cells. The rubella virus is nourished in a culture of human lung cells (cells that originally came from an aborted baby). All of these tissue cultures are contained in a solution of saline, amino acids, vitamins, glutamate, serum (the liquid portion of the blood) from a cow fetus, sugar, gelatin, neomycin (an antibiotic), and synthetic albumin proteins. Note: This albumin used to be human albumin, filtered out from donated human blood units. Around 2007, this was changed to synthetic albumin.
The human cell cultures and cow fetus serum are tested to make sure no errant infectious germs are present. Then the three viruses are removed from the cultures in batches and put into the vaccine solution. They are alive but weakened so they won't cause an actual infection when injected."
What ingredients are in the final vaccine?
-The three viruses
-Saline solution
-Synthetic albumin proteins
-Residual cow fetus serum
-Traces of chick embryo proteins
What are the known severe reactions?
-inflamation of the pancreas
-elevation of the white bllod cell count
-severe anaphylaxis
Now I'm not sure about you, but I am not okay with the way this vaccine is made, or what is in the final product. From the research I have done, I have decided to not get Harper vaccinated anymore. This may be controversial to some people, but this is a post to get some facts across and recommend that EVERYONE do their research before getting your child vaccinated. You do have a choice when it comes to this. Just make sure you made an educated one.
Also see www.thinktwice.com
ReplyDeleteYou also have some great resources at church. Talk to the Wimpy's, the West's, or a few others....
lastly, the health department will sell the MMR without thimerisol (mercury) for about $100. My Chiropractor provides me lots of good info too, Dr. Garber, over by Ingles and Sonic....
So excited to see u researching this. Many parents either don't care or just aren't piqued enough to look deeper. Whatever you decide, it's your decision and you and Harper will have to live with it for the rest of your life....
I'm more concerned with how the vaccine is made and what is in it, not necessarily the side effects. If you are referring to the link to the cause of Autism, there is no true proof that vaccines can cause or help to cause Autism. If the company has to used aborted fetuses to make the vaccine, I will not be giving it to Harper.