Sunday, August 12, 2012

Spaghetti, Eggs, Juice, and more!

The is an update on our BLW that I have been meaning to do for a while!


Messy messy messy! haha! but so fun!

Process: noodles and a teeny bit of sauce, cut up into bite sized pieces and put onto her Bumbo tray. I also would put some on a baby spoon and let her feed herself with that too

Result: Harper loves the spaghetti and has had it I think two more times since the first time. Definitely a success!


Process: Scrambled eggs on her tray on her walker, very simple!

Result: Eh, Harper is not a big fan of eggs. She mainly squishes them up and throws them in the floor, haha!

Juice (Fruitables, Fruit and Vegetable juice):

Harper only gets breast milk and never drinks from a bottle so this was a little difficult and took a while for her to even figure out! haha! I tried a sippy cup at first, but that didn't work so I let her drink a little bit from a bottle and she definitely loved it! I will try to introduce the sippy too because I don't want Harper using a bottle at 12 months.

Oh and she didn't know how to hold it herself, since she has never had one, so I had to hold it for her haha!
She only drank about an ounce though ;)

Chicken and Rice:

Process:  Boiled chicken cut up into tiny pieces and cooked white rice

Result: The rice was a little too sticky and stuck to Harper's hands, face, legs, and everywhere else. She ate a few bites but not a whole lot at all. I think the stickiness threw her off a bit, haha!

Well those are the few new things Harper has had recently! BLW has been relatively successful recently even though she really still does not eat very much at all. :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fluff Stash

I got to take a picture of my cloth diaper stash this morning and there is only one missing, it's a Best Bottoms green cover and medium insert, which Harper was wearing. I am very proud I was organized enough to get one! haha!

Alright so starting from the top left we have

a Kawaii OS pocket
a Three Monkey's Diapers (WAHM) OS pocket
a Bumkins OS stuff it pocket
a Best Bottoms OS AI2 with medium insert
a Best Bottoms OS AI2  with medium insert
a Rockin' Robbies (WAHM) OS AI2
two Planet Wise wet bags, one large, one small

next row we have,
a Best Bottoms OS AI2 with medium insert
a diaper I made it's an AI2 OS
a Best Bottoms OS AI2 with medium insert
a Best Bottoms OS AI2 with medium insert
3 Overnight large Best Bottom inserts
5 medium Best Bottom stay dry inserts (the rest, 12 in all, are in the diapers shown and the one on Harper ;))
12 large Best Bottom stay dry inserts

Wow, that took longer than I thought to type out! Well there you go, there is our stash! I also have ordered 3 Alva baby OS pockets that should be here soon.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Big Latch On

Just wanted to share that Harper and I were in the local newspaper for participating in The Big Latch On this past weekend! It is an event across the world were mommas get together and "latch on" at exactly the same time! I think there were around 8,000 people in all who latched on! How awesome is that? :)

I am the redhead by the way ;)

Go Breastfeeding Mommas!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


  I have made it my goal to breastfeed for at least two years and met my goal of breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months! Breastfeeding is a huge part of a mother and baby relationship. There is absolutely nothing like it and as they say, breast is best! I could not agree more.

Every mom, and dad, have a ton of decisions to make before bringing a baby into the world. How they choose to feed their baby is one of these choices and is so important. Breastfed babies in general are happier and healthier than formula fed babies.

I believe that every mom should try to breastfeed. No, it's not easy in the beginning, but if you try you will see how amazing breastfeeding can truly be. You can not get any closer than having your child breastfeeding and holding them so close and knowing there is no place in the world they would rather be. It is such a special, personal bond that a mother and baby can share.

On top of everything it is the most nutritional for your baby hands down. There is no argument that breast milk is the best nutrition for your new baby.

A lot of new moms do not have sufficient support to be successful at breastfeeding. It is imperative to have a support system behind you to breastfeed exclusively. The first two-three weeks are extremely difficult and if a new mom tries breastfeeding, most will stop within this time frame because of no support system. People will tell them "Oh just give them a bottle" when it gets hard and this is NOT helpful even though they are trying to be. If you push through those first few weeks, you can push through anything, trust me.

If anyone ever has any questions about breastfeeding please contact me! I would love to help you achieve your goal of breastfeeding your baby! It has been one of the greatest decisions I have made in raising my daughter.